Third set of locks opened on
June 26th 2016
Neo panamax locks (Restrictions)
- Maximum Length – 1,200 Feet / (366 m)
- Maximum Beam – 168.14 Feet / (51.25 m)
- Maximum Height – 190 Feet / (57.9 m)
- Maximum Draft – 50 Feet 00 Inches TFW / (15.2 m) – subject to change
- Maximum Deadweight – 180,000 DWT (Approximate figure)
Expansion Program Components
Post-Panamax Locks
Construction of the new Post-Panamax locks on the Pacific and Atlantic sides. The new locks complexes will have three chambers each with water-saving basins, a lateral filling and emptying system and rolling gates.
Pacific Access Channel
Excavation of the new Pacific Post-Panamax locks north Access channel. The project requires dry excavation of approximately 50 million cubic meters of material along 6.1 kilometers. Executed in four different phases (PACs 1 – 4).
Improvements to Navigational Channels
Both entrances to the Canal (Atlantic and Pacific) are being dredged, as well as Culebra Cut and Gatun Lake.
Improvements to Water Supply
The project calls for the increase of Gatun Lake’s maximum operating level by 45 centimeters to improve Canal water supply and draft dependability.
Raising Gatun Lake’s Maximum Operating Level
This component will enable increasing Gatun Lake’s maximum operating level by 45 centimeters, from its current 26.7 meters to 27.1 meters.